Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I bought my bird-of-paradise plant in January last year.

 I was happy that a couple of weeks 
after I  bought it, a few bunches of lovely
flowers began to appear.


But, after its first batch of flowers, it doesn't
seem to be interested in flowering anymore.

A bunch appeared recently, but it didn't look good.
The flowers didn't actually bloom. And they dried up 
along the way. Can somebody help? 

I am just imagining, what a lovely scene it would be, 
if a beautiful bird-of-paradise bird were to come over to 
serenade my bird-of-paradise plant 
at a time when its flowers were still blooming!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Some shots of my jatropha podagrica, or bunga jarak.
Some people call it  buddha  belly.

There are people who refer to it as gout plant.